Stuart Warmflash
Comic Drama
2m, 2f
During the leaderless 60's a fatherless teen
struggles to escape the chaos of his
suburban family via an artistic vision.
The Harbor Theatre
…a tender and affecting coming-of-age story… Warmflash has crafted the piece commendably, with lots of winning and often funny dialogue
…the story is always compelling and engaging. In the end, Shortly After Takeoff reminded me of The Glass Menagerie and Broadway Bound with its theme of a young man getting ready to take leave of his domineering mother…
Warmflash has directed his own script skillfully in this first full production from Harbor Theatre Company.
Martin Denton
Shortly After Takeoff's strength lies in its poignant characters. Writer Stuart Warmflash has created characters that are human in both their flaws and triumphs as they tackle universal issues -- the tragedy of losing a loved one, the pain of being an outcast and, in Ethan's case, solving the mysteries of the opposite sex.
Finally, Ethan must decide what to do to make his own fairy tale come true. Earlier, Frank Sinatra seemed to tell him that all he had to do was to be young at heart...but he has his own thoughts, inspired by his conversation with E. B. White: "It's a wonderful way to spend one's life -- pursuing someone, or something, you love." The captivated audience cannot help but agree.
Miriam R. Haier
Winner/Christopher Brian Wolk Playwriting Award/Abingdon Theatre
Finalist Ashland New Play Competition
Finalist American Theatre Coop
Finalist Oglebay Institute
Semi-finalist at Mill Mountain's New Play Competition
Semi-Finalist for Playlabs/Minnesota
Reading at Abingdon Theatre
Reading at Hudson River Classic
Reading at Broad Horizons Theatre
Honorable Mention in the 72nd Annual Writer's Digest writing competition
The Play was developed at The Harbor Theatre Workshop (NYC)

Cast: Eric Shelley, Patricia Kalember, Anthony Bagnetto, Lucy McMichael, Bruce Mohat, Adelia Saunders